Art Direction | Graphic Design


Wondery | Social creative
Art direction

In the beginning of 2023 I started as the art director at Digital Media Management for the Wondery podcast network. Our main objective for the year was to develop a total refresh of the Wondery social pages that would achieve two main creative goals: create a fresh, bold look that would jump off the grid to reach Wondery’s core fans and attract new listeners, and to develop a cohesive design system that would become instantly recognizable as the Wondery brand and be versatile enough to work for any of the genres in the Wondery library, including comedy, true crime, entertainment, news, and more.

For this project I worked closely with a team of designers to develop a several creative approaches, which I presented to the client for feedback. From this initial pitch we worked with the client to determine what worked, what didn’t, and how to narrow down our looks for the next round. I was responsible for leading the design process from the initial creative exploration through several rounds of refinement into a final design system. I was responsible for maintaining a consistent creative vision for the rebrand, providing feedback to the designers, regularly checking in with the creative director, working with project teams at DMM to make sure project deadlines were met, presenting ideas to client, and plenty of hands-on design work.

Created for Wondery at Digital Media Management.